Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kickapoo Survey

Hey people, you are welcomed to answer the following simple question.
I want your comment to create a new design.
You can always comment it in the post comment or the blog chat box, and kindly write down your name.
 Please and thank you!

1. In this type of logo, are the color of logo suitable?
   A. Yes
   B. No

2. Do you think the logo is suitable for the drink?
   A. Yes
   B. No

3.  Does it attract your attention at the first sight?
   A. Yes
   B. No

4.  Does the color combination interesting and contrast enough?
   A. Yes
   B. No

1.    5. Do you confuse with the logo?
A.     A. Yes
         B. No

6.  Overall do you like the logo if no please state why?
   A. Yes
   B. No. Why?

7. Overall can you understand the meaning of the logo?
   A. Yes
   B. No.

8.  Can you differentiate the color combination?
   A. Yes
   B. No

9. How much could you list from the color of logo?
   A. 3
   B. 4
   C. More than 5

10. Which of the design has got your attraction when the first view on it?
   A The title
   B. The logo
   C. The color 

11. Based on the answer above, can you state out why?

12. From the the color of water and logo, can you imagine how the drink taste like?
   A. Yes
   B. No

13. Does the color got your attraction at the first sight?
   A. Yes
   B. No

14. Can you read the meaning inside the logo?
   A. Yes
   B. No

15. Does the color of logo make you interesting?
   A. Yes
   B. No

16. In your opinion, which color suitable the logo?

Thank you for helping, your comment will be appreciated.